Some feedback from parents:-

"Oztots have far exceeded all of my expectations. My children love it. They are such performers now. They have developed confidence in themselves and their bodies, and they adore the wonderful teachers. My eldest child is totally engaged and enjoys herself immensely. She is also happy for me to leave her which is a first! I think Oztots is the best step I have made in my children’s development on many levels but most of all they have fun and look forward to Saturdays. THANK YOU."
"Great all round program - encouraging public speaking. Leadership skills as well as rhythm and dance. We really like your firm, disciplined approach which is child appropriate. Really enjoyed the Open Day, thanks for being so accommodating."
"I love that Oztots is not all about dance but does incorporate personal development milestone progress/awareness. An excellent teaching environment for learning good social skills!! Good body awareness and deportment!"
"Just keep doing the marvellous work you are doing. I've recommended friends in starting the program as I really believe all toddlers need some level of stimulation. The program provides that."
"It is a brilliant program - Well Done!"
"Thank you so much for running such a wonderful course. I think you and your team do a truly fantastic job. Thank you."
"My child loves Oztots and so do I. I believe it's a great program giving the children enjoyment and confidence."
"Communication is very good. Find the program excellent. Extremely happy with the teaching and her progress. Will enrol my second daughter when she's old enough."
"Oztots has surprisingly provided much more than I anticipated, I am very happy with the program. My child is always very excited to go to the class. The learning outcomes are all positive."
"I think this is a fantastically run program. My thanks go out to all of you. You have provided my child with an appreciation for dance and movement and my youngest child can't wait to start the following year. Thanks."
"Very supportive, encouraging environment. We love it."
"We love Oztots! My two children can't wait to get to their classes, and I love how extremely well organised it is.."
"I have been extremely pleased with the program. Both of my girls have loved having you as a teacher Marcia. Well Done!"
"My twins love dancing even more. They are more confident about leaving me. I think the inclusion of numbers, shapes and colours while moving have been beneficial to their learning."
"Thanks Marcia. The kids think you're wonderful and you're just so positive with your constant praise."
"Marcia, Thank you for being so 'patient' with my daughter. I know she can be a handful, but she really enjoys her Saturday mornings with Miss Marcia. You are truly wonderful with all the children."
"We would like to thank you for the wonderful program you have. My child loves dancing and she loves being with you. You are a lovely role model. We commend your patience and time given to all of the children."
"Absolutely fabulous! Thank you for your help starting my daughter's enjoyment and enrichment in dancing."
"I was very impressed with your program when I attended Open Week. I felt you handled the children beautifully and spoke to them in such a kind and positive way. I can't fault your program in any way. Well Done!"
"I have great confidence in your skill and ability to teach and share your enthusiasm of dance and movement with all your students. Thank you!"
"I think you all do wonderful job in teaching our kids to dance. I love coming to the Open Days to see the progression - Well Done."
"My daughter loves ballet and her passion for dance can only be attributed to the environment created within the dance class. We thank you Miss Marcia for all of the above and couldn't recommend your classes more highly."
"We are very pleased with the warmth and sincerity displayed by Miss Marcia and Miss Kristie. Thank you for your hard work for all families."
"I think you are an incredible person, Marcia, to each and organise these little people. It can't be easy! Congratulations on producing a truly remarkable concert every year with fabulous costumes and no visible stage fright! What a confidence builder."
"My husband and I are very grateful for all you do for our child. You and Katie are amazing. We feel very blessed that my child comes and spends her Tuesday mornings with you both. I can see how beneficial the classes are for all the children. Thank you."
"My two children have both loved the program and have benefited confidence-wise as well as improved their dancing abilities. They love the program."
"It's a wonderful class… My child really enjoys it. You are a great teacher and my other daughter will be attending as soon as she is old enough."
"The girls seem to blossom in your care Marcia. The gently manner in which you teach is a credit to your program and you. Thank you."
"Ms Marcia is a wonderful teacher. Juliana likes her very much. She is fantastic with the students, very loving and open. Thank you Ms Marcia."
"Gabrielle is absolutely loving her classes. You do a wonderful job with the kids."
"The class has helped Dean¹s confidence and listening skills. He loves coming to classes. Thanks. you treat the children so lovingly."
"I have definitely noticed an improvement in my daughters
co-ordination. She really enjoys her lesson."
"This enjoyable programme allows children to blossom through patient encouragement as they develop their true potential."

"Jenna has a sense of belonging to her dance class. It is developing her sense of rhythm and her confidence. Jenna loves attending her classes. She especially enjoys the ‘dress up' days. Good for this age (4-5). Not too formal. We see it as a fun activity, not a school class. Important."


"I enjoyed Alice because I had wonderful feedback about the program from friends having attended. Alice also has a sister attending classes in the Jazz Program which she loves.

Oztots provides 3-4 year olds with enormous confidence. It nurtures their creative skills and helps them to explore dance and music and rhythm. Alice sings and dances with confidence. She has made some wonderful new friends that she cherishes (I too, have met some mums) Alice enjoys ‘her own activity' when most of her week comprises fitting in with her older siblings. Alice loves her dance classes. She has remained enthusiastic throughout the year. Not once, has she ever faltered about going. She looks forward to going each week and loves receiving a sticker. She speaks warmly about the other little girls in her class and knows each one by name. It is the activity in both our weeks that we both look most forward to.

Oztots teaches pre schoolers lots of skills in preparation for school. Such as being a member of a class and ‘taking turns', confidence in a small group and the gentle discipline required to interact with others whilst having loads of fun in a relaxed environment. Marcia, you are a skilled and patient teacher. The children adore you. "


"My daughter was diagnosed with low muscle tone and motor planning issues. Marcia's obvious understanding of individualised early childhood education and dance made Oztots seem the perfect fun environment for my daughter who needed dance as part of her physiotherapy.

Coordination, increased muscle tone, fun and enjoyment while increasing self esteem and confidence! My daughter is always highly motivated to attend. The warm welcoming learning environment based on developing confidence and having fun while learning to dance brings her coming back even when she's really tired. The sticker books are also a great motivator providing a link between dance class and home whereby a colourful reward can be looked at and referred to during the days between classes.

Everything has been thought about at The Spot. The gently approach to concerts eases the children into performance. The teacher's knowledge and attention to individual needs awakes each lesson a very positive experience. The skills and confidence my daughter displays is way beyond my expectations.

Not only has Annika improved tone, she has gained greater coordination, body awareness and so importantly increased self esteem and confidence.

We feel very blessed to have had Marcia's input her obvious knowledge of individualised education and earl child development and dance has provided Annika with the best start EVER! Thank you ."


"Beneficial to Vivienne's progress: - Basic Coordination. Improved willingness to attend sessions and apply herself. "


"Radha is becoming less shy and more confident. She really enjoys the classes and feels happy afterwards. "


"Phoebe A – confidence, able to keep a beat, counting and recognising numbers (Thank you) "


"Becky enjoys dancing at home and I feel the program is very good for coordination, balance and movement. My older daughter Sarah enjoyed it too. Also good in building self confidence. Improved in coordination and confidence. "


"Chiara – Beneficial to Progress

•  Confidence, Making new friends, learning to be part of group activities, learning to take direction, having fun."


"Claudia – getting up in front of people, not being so shy, making new friends, looking forward to going somewhere every week. "


"Scarlet – Learnt numbers very well, social interaction, sings and dances at home. "


"Ella – She loves to dance, show off her pointed toes and moves that she has learnt. She is confident and loves performing her friends and family. Oz tots has helped her achieve that. "


"Ally is keen to perform in front of others and learning about her body parts and what they can do. "


"Perri – Her ability to control her movements. Learn rhythm and to pick up the beat. Real enjoyment shown and delight in performing. "


"Alessia – Increased confidence and independence; an organized activity that is fun can teach the benefits of commitment and routine (Good Skills for going to school); Social skills – etiquette; attention, sharing in discussions (at beginning of class), listening; Bodily awareness; Of course the great dance moves that she exhibits for us! The program is run with great professionalism, but most ‘importantly' it is run with passion and care. I think boys as well as girls would benefit from not only the physical benefits of dancing and music awareness, but from the confidence and sense of achievement they obtain from participating. "


"Isabella cried for the first couple of weeks but since then she has grown in confidence. She communicates well both with adults and the other children. Isabella loves dancing and singing and looks forward to going to ballet. I would recommend the program to parents whose child has an interest or just wants to try out dancing. Isabella has really enjoyed the year and is looking forward in continuing next year. "

"I followed the footsteps of my older two children who had participated in Oztots and loved it. I believe it to be the best pre-school activity for both boys and girls to be involved (and always recommend it to others as such) Liam developed a love of music and rhythm. I believe Oztots (Marcia) offers children exposure to a broad range of important developmental skills including balance, communication, following instructions, socialising, developing confidence and self expression….. the list is endless. "

Children love these classes and look forward to each lesson with great enthusiasm.

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